Have a question? 

Contact our solar panel installation experts or chat with a certified electrician or engineer. No question is too big or too small, and we can arrange a no-obligation review of your business, school, farm, or residential needs on-site.

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Solar and Storage

Generating your own power is the first step in energy independence. Storing it and using it when you want is the second step. As Utilities continue to maximize what they bill you, Atwood Energy has the tools and the ability to keep you one step ahead.


Do you know someone who would be a great candidate for solar installation? Send them our way! If they choose Atwood Energy to install their solar modules, we will send you a check for $500 upon project completion.

Energy Independence

From rooftops to prairies, the opportunity for energy independence is everywhere.

The ability to generate and store your own power ensures you are in the drivers seat when it comes to your relationship with your power company.

Flexibility & Scalability


Multiple Installation Options


Find out what power backup solutions is right for you

Tesla Powerwall

Near instantaneous backup power

Modular, we can add as many as you need

Home and office solution

Tesla Powerpack

Industrial, agriculture, and commercial applications

Expandable system that grows with your needs

Tesla energy management software


Can be integrated with a battery solution

Stand-alone long term backup

Many options that we will help navigate

Demand Management

Demand management programs help an organization improve its bottom line by improving how it uses energy.

Demand management programs are similar to demand response programs in that they involve an organization reducing its energy. Unlike demand response programs, the participating organization is not responding to grid stress or volatile energy prices. Rather, the organization is reducing its demand–the maximum amount of electricity it consumes at a given time–in a way that saves the organization money and helps improve the grid.

Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed energy refers to electrical generation and storage performed onsite.

Distributed Energy Resources

Distributed energy refers to electrical generation and storage performed onsite.


Energy Independence

Energy storage is simply the capture of energy produced at one time to be used at another.

Organizations that utilize energy storage can purchase electricity during off-peak times when prices are low, store it, and then use it during on-peak times when demand and prices are high.

Energy storage helps an organization lower its overall energy spend while protecting against changing prices, all while supporting a sustainable grid.


Where shold I spend my money?

The best answer is almost always energy conservation. More efficient equipment, insulation, and things such as that typically are your best value.

Should I go all electric?

    It can make sense, but needs to be done efficiently. We can answer these questions based on your circumstances.

Do I need a generator in addition to a battery?

Maybe, it depends on your specific situation. It is added security for extended outages.

Will my solar array work when the grid goes down?

It will with a Tesla Powerwall installed.


No question is too big or too small, and we can arrange a no obligation review of your business, school, farm, or residential needs on-site.

Skip the line and contact our solar installation experts or chat with a solar professional or engineer via email or phone.